Sunday, November 17, 2013

11 months!

Oliver became a big cousin twice in three days!!  Uncle Nick and Aunt Shannon had Penelope on October 11th, and then on the 14th Uncle Michael and Auntie Mandy had Abigail!

After Abby was born we headed up to meet her and had a nice visit.  Oliver wasn't too keen on sharing mommy, so I got all my Abby-snuggles while Oliver was sleeping :)

While visiting we took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch.

Oliver wasn't too interested in sitting with is cousin...

For Halloween our little guy was an elephant.
We went to Uncle Martin and Aunt Linda's house,
stopped by Grandma Neen's house, she gave him an awesome bag of goodies,
and then we went to Oma and Deda's before heading home for dinner.

Last weekend we were up in Canada to celebrate Lukas' 1st birthday!!  We tried our best to get a picture of all the little cousins...but Oliver was too busy to sit still, and we weren't able to get Abby in the picture.

Loves to take his socks off and chew on his feet (especially in the car).
Gives LOTS of kisses.
Waves bye and blows kisses.
Love to do pat-a-cake; he claps along and also rolls it up.
Standing more on his own, for like a good 10+ seconds, and has taken a couple steps.
HAS ONE TOOTH!!  And another one is coming soon!
Loves talking on the phone.  He likes to steal my phone and gets mad when it's not lit up, so we call someone so he can yell at them, all while kissing the phone.
If you tell him to say "hi" he puts his hand up to his ear like he's on the phone.
When he's eating, he'll drink from his milk cup and then throw it on the ground when he's done drinking...every.single.time.
Loves playing in the pantry when I'm in the kitchen cooking.
He never stops moving!  It was SO hard to get a monthly picture of him because he does not want to sit still.
