Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sir Talksalot

A request has been made for more videos...so I'm giving the people what they want!

It's hard getting videos though because just like his mama, as soon as he sees the camera he stops! hahaha

I have started Sleep Training and yesterday was day 4, which he ROCKED!  He slept from 9:30-7, ate, then slept for another two hours.  Needless to say, he was ready to play when he woke up. 

When I walked into his room this morning, this is how I found him
We have a wiggle worm on our hands because I can guarantee you that he was vertical when placed in his crib.

You can see his body moving from his legs kicking...those legs never stop moving; just like when they were inside me!
Don't mind the scratch on his forehead, it was a self-inflicted wound from his dagger-like fingernails.

Here he is in our bed while I got ready this morning.  He has now started grabbing toys that are dangling on his play gym, as well as blankets.

I always joke around that he's like a parrot because as soon as you put a blanket over part of his face he falls asleep.  Well this is how I just found him, which he did all on his own.  Guess he likes it! 


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I don't know how it happened but Mr. Oliver is already 3 months old!!  

He now weighs a whopping 13 pounds!
His look has definitely changed...he now has very chubby cheeks, a double chin, and rolls on his thighs!  As Opa put it, "he's no chicken anymore!"

We've been busy since the last post.  Oliver and I went to Canada with Oma for a couple days, we had our first family trip to the zoo, went to Bingo at the school I teach at, and had two visits with cousin Stella!  Stella loves to crawl over to Oliver and check him out, and Oliver just smiles at her the whole time.

On our trip to Canada we put Oliver in the bumbo for the first time, which he really enjoyed.  Then we found some headphones and decided to dress-up.
DJ Professor
(he always has his hands together and he looks like a little smarty pants)

Oliver met Grandma Neen, my babysitter/second-mom growing up.  He was tired and a little high maintenance that day, but we managed to get one picture without him fussing.
*Note: the bib is because he is a drooling MACHINE!*

One of our accomplishments this month is that Oliver is sleeping in his bedroom!  We tried it out on a whim and it worked out great!!  He's still getting up twice a night (around 2/3 am and then 6ish), but he eats quickly and falls right back asleep; in the meantime, this mama can't wait for a full night's sleep! :)

Just yesterday we got a new car!  My Jetta was definitely feeling like a clown car these days and it was time to upgrade to something a little bigger.  We ended up getting a 2011 Honda CR-V and it's just lovely!!

Our little man continues to be a happy, smiling boy!  He has really found his voice this month; he's gotten SO loud and loves to talk!!
