Friday, August 16, 2013

8 Months

...and 9 days :)

We are still scootin' all over the place, getting faster and faster.
Now Oliver pulls himself up onto his knees to play, as well as onto his feet (while holding onto something).  He's so quick too!
He waves hi and bye and is starting to clap...but of course stops as soon as I want to take a video.
He's growing more hair!!  The back has a lot more, and in the right light you can tell that there's more all over.

We've been SOOOOO busy around here lately enjoying our last few weeks of summer.

We had a weekend at Tyee to celebrate Oma's birthday.  It was the first time in months that all the cousins were together, and of course I forgot to take pictures.  Mom fail :(

Last week we went to Grandma Neen's house for a lunch date (she was my daycare lady growing up).  We had such a nice time catching-up, and Oliver loved snuggling with Tandy and playing with her daughter.

Oliver, Oma, and I just came back from Canada where we were taking care of Stella for a couple days while her daycare lady was on vacation.  We had SUCH a wonderful time playing with Stella and having so much one-on-one time with her, Mike and Mandy.
The kids were adorable playing together and Stella was hugging and kissing Oliver like crazy!
 Caught red-handed enjoying the princess castle.

They also had their tubby together every night.

Our first day together we went to see Tante Liesl, a family friend.  She was one of my Oma's bestfriends, so visiting with her is like being with my Oma.

Then we headed to Uncle Peter and Auntie Brenda's house.  The kids played the piano with their big cousins and played in the yard.

The next day we played and went for a swing.

Our last day together we went to White Rock for fish and chips, ice cream, and a walk.
Deep in thought while watching the seagulls.

We also went to Oma and Deda's Graceland...COSTCO! ;)  Needless to say, we had both kids in the cart and I looked like a total tourist taking pictures of them in the store. P.S. Do you know how hard it is to get two babies to look at you and smile at the same time?
 Stella's favorite game :)

This weekend we're headed back up to Tyee.  Next week Oliver goes to daycare for two days to get used to it.  I'm full of mixed emotions.  I'm excited to be back at work and doing what I love, but I'm really going to miss being with my boy all day, watching him play and grow.
