Thursday, June 20, 2013

Play Time

Oliver is a mover and a shaker...not to mention an eater!  

Oliver has been loving the exersaucer for the past few weeks.  There's a little mirror that he loves looking into, musical buttons, and lots to play with and chew on.  I also think he just likes the feeling of standing up.

He's also been entertained by the jolly jumper more.  This past week he was spinning himself in circles and occasionally hitting his head against the doorjamb; but it doesn't stop him! :)

Little man has been enjoying his daily tubby for months.  Some days he is quiet and just lays there the whole time; and some days he's not!  Lately he likes chewing on his foam letters/numbers, and just yesterday he started kicking up a storm making huge splashes!!

Although he doesn't have the rolls to prove it, Oliver loves to eat!  Recently I added broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and blueberries in the rotation and he loves them all.

Two weeks ago I was having a popsicle at my parent's house and Oliver kept wanting some.  So when I was making a batch of his food I decided to make him his own.  They are a mix of peaches, blueberries, and low-sugar white grape juice...and they're YUMMY!

One warm evening this past week we decided to give him half of one for dessert.  Needless to say, he thoroughly enjoyed it :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Daddy Day!

We spent this past weekend at Lake Tyee with Oma and Deda, where Oliver was Mr. Popular with all their friends!
It was so nice and warm that Oliver went swimming; although he didn't like it until we took his water diaper off.

To celebrate Father's Day we had dinner at Martin and Linda's.  The dads and Linda played bocce ball while Oma, Oliver, and myself cheered them on.

Oliver loves to eat Mum-Mums, which are rice crackers that dissolve easily.  He can be quite messy while eating them; and of course he gets upset when it's all gone :)

Oliver had such a wonderful night celebrating his daddy and Deda!!


Monday, June 10, 2013

6 Months Old

Our little man is now six months old!  He has such a sweet and funny personality and we are constantly laughing at all his cute antics.  

Although he's a skinny fellow, he is growing like a weed!  He's weighing-in at 15 pounds 11 ounces (20%) and is 26 1/4 inches long (40%).

Recently we met Auntie Marissa for a walk in Downtown Kirkland; Oliver showed off his favorite trick, sticking his slobbery fingers in your mouth.  Marissa and I have known each other since elementary school so when we're together we always have a lot to talk about!

Last week we saw Auntie Mary and had a snuggle.

Oliver has enjoyed looking into the mirror for a while now, but last week I caught him talking to himself and playing!  I even think that at one point he tries kissing himself!!
Don't mind the part where he gets carried away and knocks his head into the mirror ;)

Watching Oma and Deda work in the yard while rolling all over the place.

Lately he has been fake coughing while talking; something Stella used to do too.  Sometimes if you catch him at the right moment, he'll have a whole conversation with you!

FOOD!  Even though he's skinny, he loves to eat!!  His favorites are pears, apples, peaches, bananas, and sweet potatoes.  Yellow squash he tolerates.  Avocado and peas he's unsure about.
I've been making everything at home, which has been fun.  Next on the list are carrots, broccoli, and blueberries.
I've even made some fruit popsicles for us to share on warm evenings.

Sleeping on his tummy.  We stopped swaddling him this past month and this is his new favorite way to sleep...sometimes he even gets his little bum up in the air.
Shopping!  When we run errands he really likes looking around at all the lights, colors, shapes, people, everything!  My favorite is when he talks and laughs while we shop.

Giving kisses to mommy and daddy; although daddy's are prickly because of his goatee :)
