Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the pumpkin patch with our friends Dave and Jaime, and their two kiddos Hunter and Haydin.
We had SO much fun!  We took a hay ride, saw some stinky farm animals, watched pigs recreate The 3 Little Pigs, saw a duck race, and drank apple cider.  It was the perfect fall day!
 "What do you mean you've never seen a 10 month old drive a tractor?!"



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10 Months!!

This little guy is getting closer to his first birthday...and this mama is sad that her baby is growing up so fast!!

Here are his new tricks from the past month!
Clicks tongue
Innie is an outie by the end of the day
Everything is "mama" or "dada"
Walking along the furniture
Dances to any and all types of music
Laughs when you're laughing
Waves hi and bye...when he's in the mood ;)
Starting to understand some words; looks for his snack bowl, looks for mama and dada when asked
Loves to drink his milk during meal times, but once he's done at that moment he throws his cup onto the ground
Shoves food into his mouth, then sorts through it with his tongue and spits out what he doesn't like at that meal (mainly a daycare trick, even though he's eaten all of it the night before)
He picks out certain things that he loves and eats those first

Last weekend we went to Canada to see everyone before Baby Eramo is born...she's due any day!!
Saturday the whole family came over and we had SUCH a nice visit!  As always, it's so fun having all the little cousins together, although it's getting harder and harder to take pictures of all of them together because they're all so busy!!

Oma got Stella and Oliver matching sweaters from the cutest old lady at the Concrete Saturday Market, so naturally we had to take pictures!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Funny Honey

This kid cracks us up on a daily basis.  He's always in a good mood and is SO happy when we're all home together and playing.  My new favorite is when he laughs because we are laughing :)

Beware: his giggle is contagious!
You've been warned...
Here he is last week playing with Dad before dinner.

Playtime in the tubby, showing off our new facial expressions, sounds....and BIG, FULL TUMMY!

This weekend he wore big boy jammies for the first time!  He got them from his Uncle Knut and Auntie Gro in Norway.
