Monday, September 9, 2013

9 Months!!

Here are the stats...
Weight: 18 pounds 15 ounces (25%)
Height: 28 inches (45%)
Our peanut is still a peanut! :)

He's been SOOOO much fun lately!!  Laughing like crazy, especially at night when he's getting ready for his bath (we have this whole game thing that the three of us do every night).  The other night he started dancing at my parent's house.  Just today he was playing ball with my mom.  He's climbing like crazy and getting into everything.  And just when you think he's too busy for you, he comes by and climbs into your arms for a snuggle or surprises you with a kiss.  I don't think we could be anymore in love with this guy.

A week or so ago we started real solids and he can't get enough!  His little pinchers do a good job of picking up food and he's quite ferocious at times trying to get the food into his mouth!  He's still eating everything in, strawberries, meat of any kind, he's obsessed with avocado, baby cheetos, and fig newtons.  Seriously, if you give him food, he will eat it.

Playing in his highchair after dinner.

Dance party today at Oma and Deda's.

Playing ball with Oma.

Still no teeth, and we don't see any prospects.   
Likes playing the piano...I see piano lessons in the future!!  
Continues to pull himself up onto his feet and has gotten really quick.
Been cruising around his crib and the furniture for a couple weeks now.
Can officially sit up on his own.
The scoot has been traded in for a crawl!
Points to things.
LOVES to talk and (happy) scream...especially in the store or when you're on the phone!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Summertime Sadness

...that chick must be singing about the sadness of summertime ending and having to go back to the real world.  A.K.A. the story of my life.

Holy moly!  Where do I start?!

We've been super busy around here soaking up our last days of summer and time off.

A few weeks ago we went to Tyee for the weekend so we could go to Cascade Days.
Our favorite is the parade!  Pretty much everyone from Concrete and the nearby towns come and participate, from the little cheerleaders to the grannies in their red hats.  Oma's favorite part is when they throw candy :)

Two weeks ago Oliver tried daycare for the first time!  I was totally sad dropping him off even though it was only for a few hours.....I may have shed a few tears :(
When I picked him up I noticed he felt warm and sure enough he had a fever.  The rest of the week was awful.  Little mister was beyond miserable.  He pretty much slept all day, only waking to eat and snuggle.  His doctor said he had a flu-type virus and two days later his fever spiked to 104*!  Back to the doctor we went and then to Children's for blood-work to find out what was going on.  My poor boy was lying on the table screaming his head off while the tech was setting up and drawing blood; Oma held down part of his body, while I was holding down the rest and silently sobbing.  I couldn't help it!  I felt so terrible that he was so sick and had to go through all of it.  I was beyond thankful that my mom came with us, I would have been a wreck without her.

Showing off his battle wound

Passed out from all the excitement

Last week marked my first official week back at school.  Monday was really hard for me.  I cried all while getting ready, more when I dropped him off, and even more at work when everyone asked me how I was doing.  The week definitely got easier, probably from the stress of having way too much to do in my classroom.  Friday morning when we got to daycare Oliver started smiling and clapping as soon as he saw the big girls, who are totally in love with him.  Such a charmer!

Here are a couple videos from the weekend!
We were finally able to get him clapping for the camera:

He LOVES playing with magazines:

Our newest trick...eating big boy food!  He still hasn't sprouted any chompers, but it doesn't slow him down a bit!!  Oliver is loving noodles, avocado, chicken, sweet potato...ANYTHING!  This boy loves to eat!!!

I forgot to mention the fact that unless we are all eating at the same time, it's hard to eat around Oliver because he's always begging for bites :)