Friday, February 22, 2013


Now that Oliver is here we thought this would be the easiest way to share pictures and videos with our family and friends.

So...let's get caught-up on the past 2 1/2 months! :)

The morning of Friday, December 7th we checked into the hospital to be induced. 

15 hours later, after trying to get labor started and keep it going, my body hadn't made any progress from the morning so we went in for a c-section. 
Dad and Oma reporting for duty :)

At 11:57pm, weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long, here's Oliver John Watilo!!

Officially a family of three!!

We had lots of wonderful visitors in the hospital!

Oma and Opa 

 Auntie Linda and Uncle Martin

Tuckered out and snuggling with momma

Coming home was an easy transition.  Grandma Sue came and stayed with us the first week and Jeff was able to take the whole month off.  I recovered well from surgery; the hardest part was listening to my body, taking it easy, and asking for help.  What helped, was that with the exception of a few nights Oliver was sleeping like a champ!

His first few week home was filled with lots of visitors and his first party!  Every year my family gets together and has a big white elephant gift exchange.  Oliver got to meet cousin Stella (my brother's little girl who was 7 months then).  She was totally enthralled with him and really wanted to get her hands on him.

The rest of December had us visiting Santa,

Celebrating Christmas, and ringing in the New Year!

January brought on his first month birthday; now weighing 8 pounds 1 1/2 ounces and 21 inches long.

We also went on a girls weekend to Semiahmoo, "watched" some football, welcomed and met his new friend Harper, got his first cold, and he's smiling more and well as finally enjoying his daily bath.

At two months he is now weighing 11 pounds 3 ounces(!!!) and is 23 inches long.

So far this month we have survived our first round of shots, went to Canada for the first time and enjoyed Valentine's Day!

Already giving me the look

Finally, we are talking up a storm!  I'm beginning to think he has figured out that he needs to out-talk his Oma and momma :)

Thanks for stopping by! xo