Sunday, April 28, 2013


We officially have a new skill...blowing raspberries!  It's pretty much Oliver's favorite thing to do.

I think we may be getting ready to flip from back to tummy because he's been doing this move a lot:

This weekend we went to Canada to celebrate cousin Larisa's 3rd birthday (she and cousin Zoey are only 12 days apart!).  We haven't had the little cousins together since February and we were so excited then that we forgot to take pictures, so we made up for it yesterday!
 Lukas is 4 weeks older

 Larisa (3), Stella (11 1/2 months), Oliver (almost 5 months), Lukas (almost 6 months)

 Holy smokes do they look alike here!

 Kisses for Oliver

Stella loves exploring her cousin, taking his stuff, and crawling all over him :)  And he just sits there smiling away!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Yummy in my tummy

Big boy had his first taste of cereal!  

At his 4 month checkup his doctor recommended we start giving him some at night to see if it will help him sleep a little longer of a first stretch.  So on Saturday, at 4 1/2 months old, we decided to give it a try...and it was probably one of the cutest things ever!!  

It was so fun watching him figure out how a spoon works and how to work his tongue; he's also unsure what to do with his hands :)  

Needless to say, he loves it!  For the past few days he's been having it around 6, then has his bath and some boobie around 7, and is sleeping by 7:30; sleeping until 4, when he's ready for a midnight snack.  We've been mixing a little cereal with breastmilk and he just gobbles it up, and now he lets us know when he's ready for another bite.

Feeling very blessed and lucky!

Monday, April 15, 2013

First Giggle!!

It amazes me how much this little guy changes every day!  Just now he giggled for the first time!!!
I was "hiding" behind my phone and then popping out.
He's also been flipping from his tummy onto his back quite a bit lately!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 Months!

Mister boy had his 4 month check-up today!  He now weighs 15 pounds 6 ounces (60th percentile) and is 24 3/4 inches long (45th percentile).   He left the doctor's office a tired boy after getting three shots :(

Oliver loves sitting in the Bumbo on the counter and watching me cook.

He is always chewing on his fingers, and drools like a son of a gun.  

He is grabbing more at his toys, soother, and blankets and pulls them into his mouth to chew on. 

Oliver has four little tooth bumps and we're waiting to see which pops out first!

He loves looking in the mirror and smiling at himself, and whoever else he sees in it.

Oliver smiles all the time and is easy to get to smile...unless he's tired, then he wants mama.

He loves standing when being held.

He can be quite particular about the music being played in the car and will whine until you find something that he likes!  

His size 3 month shirts are getting harder to snap and the sleeves are getting short, but the next size up is still too big; and although his pants fit around his tummy, they are beginning to look like capris :) 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Tummy Time?

Saturday morning Oliver decided to surprise us during tummy time, he flipped over onto his back three times in a row!!

I think it was a total fluke because he hasn't done it I may be slightly in denial because he's growing so fast.

Luckily we were able to catch the last flip on video:
*It doesn't happen until the end*

Here he is Sunday morning kicking away in his seat; he loves watching the birds as they are in a tornado whirlwind because of him.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Chubby Bunny

One year ago today I took a pregnancy test at 2am because I couldn't wait for the morning (my acupuncturist told me I was pregnant a few days before).  As I crawled into bed to wake up Jeff I was so giggly that I could barely contain myself! That morning we fell back asleep feeling like we won the lottery, and prayed to keep our little peanut safe and healthy.

Well, this Sunday our little "peanut" is 4 months old!  He's sure been packing on the pounds and is sooooo squishy and even more snuggly :)  

Here's what we've been up to:

We've had a couple play dates with Harper, who is five weeks younger than Oliver.  He likes to impress her with all his talking while she just smiles little flirt.

Oliver went to the Easter Bunny!  

Since he has no clue what's going on, he did great...whereas we all looked like idiots trying to get him to look toward the camera and smile! hahahaha

Last week we celebrated Opa's birthday and he made a wonderful centerpiece!

We went to Canada to celebrate Easter.  On Saturday the weather was amazing so we headed to White Rock and walked along the water and had lunch.  Then on Easter we had a yummy dinner at Auntie Brenda and Uncle Peter's house! 

 Our little Easter Bunny :)

We've also figured out a new trick, splashing in the tub!  He LOVES kicking his little feet and scooting all around the tub.  
After a few kicks he remembers that his hand isn't in his mouth (where it's normally stationed), but then remembers he likes kicking instead.

This is also a good chance to see all our new rolls!!

Oliver loves sitting in his bouncy chair because his kicks make him move all around.

However, if he isn't buckled in then he looks like this because of all his kicking; which he actually enjoys as well!

Finally, we celebrated his Daddy's birthday!  We had Oma, Opa, and Uncle Martin come over for dinner (feel better Auntie Linda!).
